Thursday, July 3, 2008

Womyn it's about all of us.

(me, julia [russian], jessica [happy 21st], nikki [spelled correctly], marguerite [you're so red, one day i'll learn to be too], and jill [can't wait to see you at KU])

I'm pretty sure I can't sum up what I experienced last week at the women's leadership institute. But after having been there done that I would definitely recommend anyone who goes to college in PA to look it up and give it a go. Granted, it's not for everyone, but I think it could be if everyone kept an open heart and mind to it. I can talk about my own experience there but it wouldn't mean too much to you. What this place offered was a journey that you took on your own, gave you back what you put in, and told you it was okay to be yourself. Being in the middle of no where was scary, but certainly important to the experience. I may never be able to sit in the woods and reflect on my life while watching day turn into night. I may never be able to really believe that I could be eaten by a bear like grizzly man. I may never fall in love with so many perfect strangers all at once. I was really surprised to say the least with the outcome. All of these women were wonderful human beings. We saw each other's lives in pictures and words, we laughed together, cried together, and just felt the most genuine empathy you could feel for complete strangers. And when we left we were no longer strangers but friends that begged each other to keep in touch, because we knew that what we had experienced (even though it could never be duplicated) should not end here. We were empowered with our inner most being and came to realize we are the future leaders of america, yet we are all one. One group of women that when standing side by side create a movement.

Missing all of you!


Downtown Brittni Brown said...

I'm glad you had a super amazing time out in the wild. I wouldn't want anything better for you. Here's to always learning things about ourselves, meeting amazing people and always trying new things.

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

In response to some of your other comments:

1) I understand the rap lyrics thing. When the artist is truly great, it's amazing how they can combine other songs and rhyme things I never would have suspected.

The reason why my film doesn't have sound is that I uploaded the wrong unfinished soundless version onto youtube. It takes a few hours to load and I gotta find a good few hours to get the official version up. I'm glad you admire the sound though because I actually was told that's the weakest part of my film.

3. On the post about Wall-E, I hadn't actually seen it yet so I didn't really know about the fat people. I did see it with my mom today and hopefully will be posting my own review very soon. My mom was the only one laughing HYSTERICALLY in the theater at the fat people. I mean, I thought she was going to bust a gut. I told her to quiet down because there were two larger people in front of us. She enjoyed it though. She hates fat people.

4. The blurb about Hancock is just in reference to how the film is a good idea gone wrong. The writer loved Hellboy 2 & TDK because they went above and beyond whereas Wanted and Hancock seemed to come up short. I agree with the writer because we shouldn't just get something to numb our minds. Just because it's a blockbuster doesn't mean it can't be better. I just used the quote because it's how I feel about every film I go into.

I got the quote from a site called . I love them because they're total film geeks from Austin and speak the complete truth. They always have reviews from other film lovers from early screenings and the latest buzz and interviews. The entire industry secretly goes off of them as well. I love the writer Moriarty. Often, I find him spot on.

There's the link if your curious.