Thursday, October 30, 2008

Miss Pomegranate

It all started with a pomegranate tootsie pop and from there it just escalated.
At the store I was confronted by a new orbit gum flavor—pomegranate!
I thought this was the end of the phenomena. But no!
When I got home my mom exclaimed "Jenna I got you a new drink—pomegranate tea!"
Oh and then on the dining room table a postcard from Mike,
and what was on the stamp but a pomegranate!
Pomegranate this pomegranate that!
Either I'm being too observant or the pomegranate gods are trying to tell me something.
Did you miss the pomegranate memo? Well if so let me be the first to tell you
Miss Pomegranate is the new "IT" girl. Watch out!

And apparently there is also pomegranate 7up just fyi.

Tell me all about your latest pomegranate discoveries.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Secret Life of Bees

There are certain movies that have the ability to touch your heart. Sometimes you know beforehand, and that’s the reason you travel to see the movie, and others are unexpected, an absolute surprise because probably you went in assuming it wouldn’t be any good. This movie was the prior. I knew at the preview that I’d fall in love with The Secret Life of Bees. So I guess you can say I went in with a biased view. I thought the cast choice was great and because I had the preconceived notion that the movie would be wonderful, I never searched for the flaws. Maybe because of this I missed the flaws, but I’m starting to realize more and more that it’s much more enjoyable if you search for the goodness. I appreciated the story, the book was great, and I don’t like comparing books to movies but I thought the interpretation came off very well. It was a great role for Dakota Fanning too. She is just the right age for that part. The vision was certainly there.

The above was written a few days ago.
The below was written today.

I’m kind of mad because my friend Kristen was telling me that Dakota Fanning had the opportunity to also star in My Sister’s Keeper and turned it down because she wouldn’t shave her head. Now who am I to tell a girl to shave her head? Well I guess that’s unfair but nonetheless she should’ve shaved her head or worn a bald cap?! Don’t we have the makeup ability to just fake it? Oh well, I guess everyone has to draw the line somewhere. It’s definitely good to ask yourself what are some things you would never do. Dakota Fanning will never shave her head. But Dakota Fanning will take part in a rape scene. Good to know.
End Dakota Fanning nonsense.

What about Jennifer Hudson?
The news of the murder of her mom and brother, and her missing nephew is beyond words. I was shocked, stunned, appalled. Who could do such a thing? Celebrity or not, no one can come to terms with that magnitude of news. How can you take away someone’s family? Their past, present, and future life? No one has that right. I wanted to say because of this I believe in death penalty, because what other possible punishment can alleviate this situation? But as I am reading and typing this I realize that the death penalty is giving power to someone else to take away a life. Is this the same in essence? I am so torn on this, but it’s hard not to want justice for such an act of violence. It’s hard not to be angered and feel the need to battle crime with punishment. This turned into a political issue…I know but what is right? Ghandi said an eye for eye makes the whole world go blind? Is capital punishment like an eye for an eye? I guess everything just comes down to personal interpretation. It’s worth thinking on though.

To end on a lighter note…
Are regular dvds being phased out? I’m worried.

And I’m sorry that this entry is so compartmentalized.

Next time,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wow, we really do exist!

The first image EVER taken by Google's new Geo Eye high-definition satellite was of KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY! That's about the most insane thing ever. Everyone on my campus feels like our school has been noticed for the first time. Kutztown is a place! especially if proclaimed by Google and the best image capabilities out there. My car and possibly myself is in that picture. Incredible! More on this later when it all sinks in. However the link to this article is on Kutztown University's home page and you can view the image at or just search for it on Google!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

V names

Did you ever notice that people with V names usually go by a nickname?

Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m wrong. But I’ve got a friend named Veronica that goes by Nika. I have never ever once thought of her as a Veronica. In fact I never knew that was her real name until about a year into knowing her. There’s a Victoria sitting in front of me­–goes by Tori. No one would ever ever call her Victoria. Is Tori Spelling a Victoria? I guess. The only Victoria I know sells underwear. There is still something risqué attached to that one. Maybe as a society we try to avoid the letter V, at least when naming things. Currently, I’m doing a poster for the Vagina Monologues at my university, and let me tell you there’s some issues there. Maybe it’s the letter V’s fault.