Thursday, October 30, 2008

Miss Pomegranate

It all started with a pomegranate tootsie pop and from there it just escalated.
At the store I was confronted by a new orbit gum flavor—pomegranate!
I thought this was the end of the phenomena. But no!
When I got home my mom exclaimed "Jenna I got you a new drink—pomegranate tea!"
Oh and then on the dining room table a postcard from Mike,
and what was on the stamp but a pomegranate!
Pomegranate this pomegranate that!
Either I'm being too observant or the pomegranate gods are trying to tell me something.
Did you miss the pomegranate memo? Well if so let me be the first to tell you
Miss Pomegranate is the new "IT" girl. Watch out!

And apparently there is also pomegranate 7up just fyi.

Tell me all about your latest pomegranate discoveries.


McRachie said...

Crystal Light makes Pomegranate Cherry drink-mix. It tastes like delicious candy water :)

BipolarBunny said...

I love pomegranates.

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

Wow. That is a lot of pomegranates. I had the pomegranate gum, I think it tastes like that pink antibodies you take when you're sick.