Thursday, October 2, 2008

V names

Did you ever notice that people with V names usually go by a nickname?

Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m wrong. But I’ve got a friend named Veronica that goes by Nika. I have never ever once thought of her as a Veronica. In fact I never knew that was her real name until about a year into knowing her. There’s a Victoria sitting in front of me­–goes by Tori. No one would ever ever call her Victoria. Is Tori Spelling a Victoria? I guess. The only Victoria I know sells underwear. There is still something risqué attached to that one. Maybe as a society we try to avoid the letter V, at least when naming things. Currently, I’m doing a poster for the Vagina Monologues at my university, and let me tell you there’s some issues there. Maybe it’s the letter V’s fault.

1 comment:

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

Veronica is my doggy.She has no nick name.But if she did go by another name. It would be Noni.