Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wow, we really do exist!

The first image EVER taken by Google's new Geo Eye high-definition satellite was of KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY! That's about the most insane thing ever. Everyone on my campus feels like our school has been noticed for the first time. Kutztown is a place! especially if proclaimed by Google and the best image capabilities out there. My car and possibly myself is in that picture. Incredible! More on this later when it all sinks in. However the link to this article is on Kutztown University's home page and you can view the image at or just search for it on Google!


Downtown Brittni Brown said...

I can see your car!

Sweet deal though. Too bad you didn't run around naked at that exact moment. That would've been sweet. You could've been like: "grandkids, look I'm naked on google!" But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get another chance.

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

Rule #1 of producing - 99% of ALL movies made, will lose -100% percent of the money. Most films don't make their money back and they lose what went into it. Now, the article was talking about Benjamin Button and other larger films, so of course, they will make their costs back. Really these tax breaks are more helpful with smaller films. Of course it looks bad when it's Lousianana and it's a Brad Pitt movie that cost like 100+ to make and the state had to shell out 27 million. But still, the movie probably created more business in the area than not. Each state has different rules for this though. Some of them only pay out up to 15 million or something like that. It's all state to state. Which is why it's important that some states have them over others. The money may come from the tax payers, but it's not like they would lower taxes if they didn't have this. They'd just spend it else where and on something more stupid.