Wednesday, August 6, 2008


(49 years © jenna palermo 2008)

I feel that my new undertaking warrants a post after I spoke about it a little bit with Brittni. And while my intent was to keep the "assignment" under wraps it doesn't really matter since this blog is fairly unpopular. Don't be swayed by the title of this post, it merely stands because of the fact that that Rihanna song has played about 100 times today alone and disturbia versus suburbia...I don't know go with it.

Anyway this project I'm going forth with is personal. It's about me getting to know me and what I am capable of, and me getting to know people and what they are capable of–I guess. Would you trust a random stranger, a passerby? Would you trust a stranger that wanted to take your picture? If the tables were turned on me I would definitely answer no to both of those questions....but since I'm the one asking them it's an entirely different matter. I recognize the fact that I am a non-threatening looking individual. I don't think I look abnormal or crazy or like a paparazzi out to exploit. I look like a kid taking pictures, and generally that's what I am. I don't really have any intentions other then what I said...getting to know people and getting to know myself by breaking barriers. I'm trying to talk to strangers because I know it's something that isn't easy for me. I want to learn about this big city that I have spent the past 21 years living in. I want to discover something that I didn't even realize I was looking to discover before I leave it all behind.

After one day of this adventure I was surprised at how kind people were to just let me snap a photo and to wish me well with my endeavors. Strange. Strangers. What is a stranger anyway...just someone you've never met? The word stranger has such an automatic negative connotation. A stranger is someone that gives kids candy and lures them into their truck. But that doesn't have to be the case. If you tell someone you are their neighbor you are no longer a stranger to them...yet you still do not know that person any better. However it takes away some of the threat and some of the questioning about what you're walking around aimlessly. If I said, "oh it's just a personal project with the hopes of being enlightened somehow by my surroundings" I think I'd be looked at rather oddly. But if I say "oh I just live down the block and I'm taking photos for a school assignment" the furrowed brow becomes a little more relaxed. Then again, like I said I don't look very threatening in general. It just feels awkward to take someone's picture without their knowledge. It seems invasive. It's someone's personal space. It's a part of them. Some cultures believe that taking their picture is like taking away a part of their soul. It's just something you don't do. I mean would I be mad if I found out some random person had just snapped a picture of me while I was crossing the street? I don't know but these are the questions I've asked myself before I've released the shutter.

For the most part I just see a shot that has an interesting aesthetic, a good composition, a story, and it becomes important for me to have that moment. It's about the individual but it's also about everything else. However, with this project I've decided that most of the photos will not be entirely candid. The subject will know that their picture is taken, because I'm asking their permission and whether or not they choose to pose or stay how they were is up to them. Shots that don't directly involve someone's face are a little different. I really wanted this picture of this girl running out into traffic. It was just a good photo, not something that could be thought about too much before taking the picture. Some have to be instant, spontaneous...or you miss it. As you can see I'm not exactly sure on where I'm going with this. There's not a lot of rules. There shouldn't be, because it would complicate things too much. I want this to fall into place a little bit on it's own. I want it to be a story that tells itself. I'm trying not to ask too many questions other than asking for a photo, because I find it all to interesting on what someone will just tell you willingly. I don't like asking people for their names or ages or anything like that. It's slightly more anonymous. But only as anonymous as the subject wants.

Take this for whatever you choose because like I said this is for me. This is through my eyes. Maybe one day it will be for everyone else, but as for right now just think on these things as I will. The less people you consider strangers the safer this world may be.

Learn. Explore. Grow.

1 comment:

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

It's true every word you said. It's good to wanna do something and have something in your life that has meaning.

I hope to gain something like that in mine.

This is what makes me know you'll be successful.