Friday, May 9, 2008

100 Peace Ideas

Created by Joshua C. Chen and Dr. David Krieger

I purchased this book a while ago because of its design techniques and more importantly its message. Just thought I'd share the 100 peace ideas presented in this book.
Although most are simple gestures they are hard to live by all the time and this book leaves me hoping to lead a better life and leave a mark on this world with action instead of inaction.

1. Be generous with your smiles.
2. Commit daily acts of kindness.
3. Recycle.
4. Walk in a forest.
5. Plant a tree.
6. Be outside.
7. Don't pollute.
8. Live simply.
9. Skip a meal each week. (and donate $5 to support hunger)
10. Erase a border in your mind.
11. Teach peace to children.
12. Write a letter to your President.
13. Study the lives of peace heroes.
14. Demand honesty from your government.
15. Think about consequences.
16. Commit yourself to nonviolence.
17. Support nonviolent solutions to global problems.
18. Speak up for a healthy planet.
19. Demand reductions in military expenditures.
20. Be fair.
21. Be honest.
22. Consider the larger implications of what you do.
23. Sponsor a needy child abroad.
24. Recognize your unique potential.
25. Think of the we, not just the me.
26. Be less materialistic.
27. Be more loving.
28. Empower others to be themselves.
29. Oppose all weapons of mass destruction.
30. Prevent the abuse of power.
31. Work for an international ban on land mines.
32. Pray.
33. Listen to your heart.
34. Help the poor.
35. Fight against militarism.
36. Support the cause of women without power.
37. Help create a community peace park or garden.
38. Commemorate the International Day of Peace.
39. Advocate universal health care.
40. Stand up for justice, even if it means personal inconvenience or suffering.
41. Oppose guns in the home.
42. Be aware of the rights of future generations.
43. Send a note of appreciation.
44. Join an action alert network.
45. Call your mom.
46. Laugh more.
47. Play with a child.
48. Support health, education, and the arts.
49. Help educate the next generation to be responsible.
50. Accept personal responsibility for creating a better world.
51. Sing.
52. Write a poem.
53. Respond to words of peace.
54. Learn about a different culture.
55. Help someone.
56. Ask for forgiveness.
57. Contemplate a mountain.
58. Clear your mind.
59. Breathe deeply.
60. Sip tea.
61. Express your views to government officials.
62. Fight for the environment.
63. Celebrate Earth Day.
64. Think like an astronaut. Appreciate that we only have one Earth.
65. Be constructive.
66. Volunteer time at an after school program.
67. Purchase products that respect the earth's resources.
68. Work in a garden.
69. Change a potential enemy into a friend.
70. Don't tolerate prejudice.
71. Share.
72. Purchase products that support fair labor practices.
73. Be a voice for the voiceless.
74. Tell your friends how much they matter.
75. Say "I love you" more.
76. Let someone else go first.
77. Think for yourself.
78. Walk by the ocean, a river, or a lake.
79. Recognize that all creatures have the right to life.
80. Respect the dignity of each person.
81. Don't hold a grudge.
82. Talk less. Listen more.
83. Adopt or foster a waiting child.
84. Oppose technologies that harm the environment.
85. Lose an argument to a loved one.
86. Forgive someone from your past.
87. Walk softly on the Earth.
88. Appreciate the power of the sun.
89. Speak out for global disarmament.
90. Strive to understand the chain of events.
91. Teach non-violence by example.
92. Ask questions.
93. Spend time in nature.
94. Boycott war toys.
95. Be thankful for the miracle of life.
96. Seek reconciliation in your relationships.
97. Help make a wish come true.
98. Oppose violence in children's media.
99. Keep things in perspective.
100. Act intentionally.


Downtown Brittni Brown said...

I sipped tea today.

I did my duty.

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

I couldn't find the first two songs you recommended. Isn't Polyphonic Spree that cult/band?

Your music taste is starting to scare me. Stop making Kristen mixs. I don't want her to be corrupted with gangster rap and cult bands.

Downtown Brittni Brown said...

I actually don't have Whooping cough. I just called it that. Nobody told me what was wrong with me except that it wasn't in my lungs and that I'd get over it eventually.